Don Draper, the protagonist of the iconic series Mad Men, set in New York after the Korean War, and in which the advertisement was in full swing. From that legendary TV show, we can not only watch shocking and addictive human stories, but we can learn from their stories that we can apply in our day-to-day life, and in particular, as far as Content Marketing is concerned, to our content strategies.
Interact with your Audience.
If you’re able to produce content that connects with your audience or Buyer Persona, you will be able to create a relationship of trust with them. Or as Don Draper himself would say:
The business that is able to connect with the audience is the one that makes the sale.
Don Drapper
Solve Problems!
If you create content that can solve a problem, or solve a doubt or question that the user may have, then you are not making a sales pitch, you are giving value to their time! If you can create useful and valuable content, the audience will be very grateful to you.
So put yourself in the place of your audience by creating your Buyer Persona, and think what problems, doubts or questions they may have, and you can fix.
People hate sales pitches!
Don Drapper
Be Innovative
If you’re unable to innovate, to offer something creative and different than the competition, then you’re not worth it! Be creative and look for the opportunity. Do not limit yourself to a single format, or a social network. Look for the opportunity to connect with your audience!
Be accessible.
The more you make your accessibility easier, the easier it will be to connect with your audience. So distribute your content where it can be consumed by your Buyer Persona
It’s all about sales!
Finally, any Content Marketing campaign must be reduced to generate quality leads, conversions, and sales. So many agencies that offers Content Marketing, erroneously argues the practically zero increase in sales and lead generation as “Content Marketing only generates Awareness”.
This leads to a very, very pissed-off future ex-client.